Dental bridges precisely bridge the gap between one or more than one missing teeth. Dental bridge imitate the shape, look and function of natural teeth. They are also custom made for every patient.
A dental bridge is a false tooth (called a pontic) that is held in place by the abutment teeth on either side of the gap. Pontics are made from a variety of materials such as gold, alloys, porcelain or combination of these materials or it is aesthetically blend in with your natural teeth.
Types of Dental Bridges
There are four main types of dental bridges:
- Traditional
- Cantilever
- Maryland
- Implant-Supported
Traditional Dental Bridge
Traditional dental bridge is one of the most common type of dental bridge. It contains porcelain fused to metal, ceramic, or all metal like gold. Traditional bridges have one fake tooth called a pontic. A dental crown holds it in place on each side. On this on going procedure our dentist will file and shape the two teeth next to the false tooth. It ensures that both the dental crowns have been fit properly. They are durable, strong, and last a long time with proper care.
Cantilever Dental Bridge
Although similar to traditional bridges. They are made up of porcelain fused to metal. Its must to have one natural tooth remaining next to the missing tooth, to support a cantilever bridge. A artificial tooth (dental crown) is placed on either side over the unhealthy tooth, in cantilever dental bridge. Cantilever bridge is basically used to restore front teeth. This type of bridges aren’t strong enough to support back teeth (molars).
Maryland Dental Bridge
Maryland bridges are also known as adhesive bridges, are less invasive than traditional bridges. They a have a false tooth (pontic) that is supported by a metal framework. Maryland bridges are made of porcelain. The material is nearly the same color as your natural teeth. To keep them stable, these bridges have “wings” that bond to the adjacent teeth. Nowadays, the wings are usually made of porcelain instead of metal.
Less tooth removal is necessary for Maryland bridges because they attach next to the missing tooth to the backside of your front teeth. Like a traditional bridge, a Maryland bridge can only be used when you have a natural tooth on each side of the gap caused by the missing tooth or teeth.
Implant Supported Dental Bridge
Implant-supported bridges are supported entirely by dental implants, instead of a metal framework or dental crowns. Typically, one implant is surgically placed for every missing tooth, and these implants hold the bridge in position. If one implant for each missing tooth isn’t possible, the bridge may have a pontic suspended between two implant-supported crowns.
How to take care of Dental Bridges
Brush twice a day using a soft toothbrush with fluoride toothpaste.
Eat healthy foods that are rich in fibre.
Limited intake of sugary foods and drinks.
Floss once daily and clean under your bridge.
Avoid hard and sticky foods like sticky candy, ice, raw vegetables.
Practice good oral hygiene.
Avoid smoking and tobacco use.
Keep getting regular checkups.
Use antiseptic mouthwash.
If you want to know more about the dental bridges then you should concern your Potomac Dentists (Standard Dental LLC). Book your appointment today. Call us at (301)299-1505 and Feel free to ask your question.