Tuesday 13 July 2021

Things to Avoid After Teeth Whitening Process

To have a beautiful and natural smile it is very important to take care of your teeth and have good and healthy teeth. In this day's we can see many new products or home whitening kits or gadgets are out in market for having professional whitening teeth. As Professional whitening teeth brings you a beautiful smile and because of which you get compliments from your close friends, family, relatives for your beautiful smile- Thanks to Professional Teeth Whitening. There are many things to avoid that you need to take care of after having Professional whitening teeth treatment at your dental office. Your Dentists Potomac MD - Standard Dental LLC is here to give you some things, some tips that you need to take after your Whitening Treatment. 

Here are some tips to avoid certain things for maintaining and keeping your white smile after your teeth whitening treatment & Benefits of Teeth Whitening.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

  •  Whiter Teeth Provides a brighter more attractive smile.
  •  The second benefit of Teeth Whitening helps to remove the Stains which help to become your teeth stronger and healthier.
  • Complete the Teeth Whitening Procedure take very little time (hardly 30mins to 1 hour).
  • One more great benefit of the Teeth whitening procedure is you feel more comfort and no sensitivity will occur in your teeth.

Things to Avoid after Professional Teeth Whitening.

1.  Avoid taking hot and cold drinks or foods:

We know that taking hot and cold drinks or foods people suffer from sensitivity. After Teeth Whitening Treatment the pores of your teeth are open which generally makes your teeth more sensitive and at least it will remain for 2 to 3 days. So to prevent your teeth from sensitive avoid consuming hot or cold drinks or foods.

2.  Avoid drinking colored beverages:

These Colored beverages or drinks make your teeth stain or artificial color remains in your teeth. After having teeth whitening treatment avoid taking the colored beverages or drinks (coffee, tea, red wine, alcohol, sodas). If you want to have tea or coffee or any of the above drinks then have it with a straw so that it doesn't touch your teeth and not damage your teeth. This will help you to keep your teeth whitening for a longer period of time.

3.  Stop having TOBACCO Products and Avoid SMOKING:

As we all know that Tobacco/smoking is more injurious to your oral health. The consumption of tobacco products or smoking also damages your teeth as taking such products changes the color of teeth stains the teeth very fast. So after having Teeth whitening treatment Avoid these tobacco products and smoking so that your teeth will remain either and will stay healthier.

4.  Don't Brush as soon as you have Teeth Whitening Treatment:

You should wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth after a whitening treatment to allow your teeth to remineralize. You may also brush off any bleaching gels and agents on your teeth. 

5.  Avoid consuming acidic or colored food that stains your teeth:

There is much such food that causes sensitivity, damages the teeth, changes the color of teeth, faces the problem of stain for a long time. Food that is acidic, or colored damages your teeth and contributes to staining. After your teeth whitening procedure treatment the foods that you need to avoid are
  • Colored Sauces like soya sauce, red sauce, etc.
  •  Acidic food like lemons, oranges etc.
  •  Chocolates(dark, sweeten).
  •  Red Meat.
  •  Colored Candy.
Avoid this kind of food to remain your teeth whiten and healthier for a long period of time. 

For more tips and information you want to know about Teeth Whitening in Potomac, MD, talk to us at Standard Dental LLC. We are located at 9800 Falls Road, Suite 104, Potomac Maryland, MD 20854. Call us at (301)299-1505.


Thursday 6 May 2021

Five ways to stop bleeding gums

What is Gum Disease?

Gum Disease is caused due to poor brushing or flossing habits which allow the bacteria to build upon the teeth and harden. It is an infection of tissues that holds your teeth.

Bleeding gums are the most common thing. A person may notice some blood after brushing their teeth or flossing, which can irritate sensitive gums. Most of us have the experience once in a lifetime. Bleeding of gums happens while brushing or flossing your teeth. The bleeding is due to inflammation in the gums caused by build-up plaque or overly vigorous brushing. If you notice some blood when you brush or floss, it is essential that you see a dentist. Good oral hygiene can prevent sensitivity and bleeding.

Causes of Bleeding Gums:

* Using the toothbrush with a hard bristle.
* Taking the Medicines such as aspirin.
* Not brushing the teeth often enough, or at least twice a day.  
* Having gingivitis or early-stage gum disease.

There are some things you can do on your own to stop bleeding gums.

5 ways to stop bleeding gums (Treat your Gum Disease):

1. Use a fluoride mouthwash

Fluoride mouthwash is beneficial for oral health as it helps to clear our mouth of debris. It helps to prevent plaque build-up on our gums. On top of that, it can also help to freshen our breath by killing the bacteria associated with bad breath. It’s important that when considering a mouthwash we choose one containing fluoride to help give our teeth that extra protection throughout the day.

2. Eat a Healthier food 

Improving your diet can go a long way toward improving your oral health and stopping bleeding gums. A diet full of whole foods, such as vegetables and fruits, gives your gums the nutrients they need. If your diet is packed with nutritionally deficient, sugary foods, such as candy, soda, and refined bread, your gums aren't getting the nutrition they need to stay healthy and intact. An article on The Dr. Oz Show blog recommends boosting the amount of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium in your diet to improve the state of your gums.

3. Using ice

Hold a cool compress, a small ice pack, or an ice cube against swollen, bleeding gums to help soothe them. Ice packs are especially helpful to soothe minor mouth injuries that cause swelling, such as cuts and scrapes. They can also help reduce pain and swelling caused by gingivitis.

4. Avoid Smoking

Smoking is terrible for your health. Along with increasing your risk for certain cancers and heart disease, it plays a big role in the development of gum disease. The toxins in tobacco smoke keep your gums from getting the nutrition that they need and can lead to inflammation. Quitting can be tough, but it's one of the most important things to do if you want to protect your oral and overall health.

5. Using the right toothbrush

If a person has sensitive gums, they can opt for a toothbrush labeled as extra soft or sensitive. Firm or medium toothbrushes are too rough on the gums. People should prefer to use toothbrushes with soft bristles for 2 minutes twice a day. Replace toothbrushes every 3 to 4 months, or sooner if the bristles look frayed.

Healthy gums are needed to support healthy teeth. Please don’t ignore bleeding when brushing. Follow the steps and treat your gum disease at home. If the bleed is not stopping then you should concern your Potomac Dentists (Standard Dental LLC). Book your appointment today. Call us at (301)299-1505 and Feel free to ask your question.

Friday 8 January 2021

6 Tips to Keeping your Smile Healthy While Staying at Home


We all know that taking care of your healthy body, your personality etc are very important, in same way taking care of our teeth, of your oral health is also considered as a important and good habit which you have to follow Routine. 

Good Dental care is more important than just keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Because if there is any problem you are suffering in your mouth it will also cause problem to your body parts. During this difficult time, people are staying at home, can't go for routine checkup to their dentists Potomac MD. Don't miss this opportunity you can take good care of your oral health at home. 

So we will discuss some Tips below to follow to take care of your healthy teeth & Smile at home.

1. Brush & Floss - REGULARLY:

Brushing your teeth daily twice a day for two minutes with soft bristled brush and to keep your teeth and Gum more healthy and strong. Also Flossing helps you to remove the particles that are stuck in between the teeth. So Floss your teeth daily Because of which flossing will keep you germs and plaque free and will help you to maintain good oral health by staying at home.

2. Avoid Smoking & Tobacco:

As we know that smoking is injurious for health. Because of smoking, intake of tobacco your health gets affected - the lungs gets badly affected, suffer from cancer. In same way if high intake of smoke and tobacco is consumed your oral health will also suffer your teeth & gum will get affected badly. By consuming such products it leave very bad dirty color on your teeth, your teeth loses its original white color, also causes erosion in your gums and lead to tooth loss. So by avoiding this unhealthy product you will lead good healthy teeth and oral health which will maintain your smile.

3. Eat Healthy Foods to keep your Teeth & Smile Healthy:

Having proper balanced diet plan can make your smile, health and your overall health strong and maintained. There are some foods that you need to include into your daily meal plan such as vitamins & minerals which will help your body to stay healthy and fine and also will help your teeth to stay stronger and healthier.

* Phosphorus, which is found in fish, meat, nuts is a mineral that works with calcium to build strong, healthy bones and teeth.

* Calcium, which is found in milk, cheese, yogurt is an essential mineral that strengthens enamel.

* Vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits as well as tomatoes, kiwifruit, sprouts, broccoli and more, helps to maintain good healthy gums and protects against gum disease.

4. Drink Plenty of water & Drink Tap Water:

Most tap water is fortified with fluoride these days. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that has been proven to strengthen your tooth enamel. This makes you much less susceptible to cavities. Bottled water typically doesn’t have fluoride, so unless you’re drinking tap water, you’re missing out on some dental health benefits.

5. To maintain healthy teeth & Smile right products must be used:

Get a soft bristled toothbrush and a good, minimally abrasive toothpaste. Hard bristled toothbrushes can damage soft tissue and cause unnecessary tooth enamel erosion. Abrasive toothpastes are often recommended for teeth whitening, but these products can accelerate dental wear.

6. Rinse with mouthwash:

Mouthwash helps to fight against bad breathe. It helps to fight against killing the bacteria which leads to gum disease and protects your teeth and gum from getting damaged. So rinse your mouth for 30 to 60 seconds for best and better result.

Follow this Tips While you are staying at home at this days and take the opportunity to maintain your good oral health & your beautiful smile at home until you visit to your Dentists Potomac MD. Book your appointment with Standard Dental LLC. Feel Free to call us at (301)299-1505 for more information.