Showing posts with label full service dentists md. Show all posts
Showing posts with label full service dentists md. Show all posts

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Does drinking more water protects your teeth?

As we all know that drinking more water is very much more important for the body. Drinking more water is good for health. It always keeps hydrated your body. It protects your body from many health problems. Same way, drinking more water protects your oral health too. It helps to expand the quality of your smile & life. Because once your teeth get damaged, then you will also lose your beautiful and natural smile. You won't feel confident in front of many people. Also helps to protect your teeth & mouth from bacteria.

In this blog let us discuss how drinking more water helps to protect your oral health. 

1. Prevents from the dry mouth:

The saliva which is produced in the mouth is nothing but water. So drinking more water will reduce the risk of dry mouth. Dry mouth causes because your mouth stops producing saliva. This dryness of the mouth makes it hard to talk. Dryness of the mouth also produces bad breathe. So drink a sufficient amount of water daily and keep hydrating your mouth.

2. Strengthens your teeth:

Water includes fluoride. Fluoride is an element that is seen in the water. Fluoride reduces the risk of cavities and keeps your oral health healthy. So drinking more and more water is the best way to take care of your dental/oral health and make your teeth and smile stronger.

3. It's Sugar and Calorie-free:

As we all know that water doesn't have any taste. Neither does it contain any kind of artificial element or flavor. People mostly prefer to have fruit juice or sugary drinks which are more dangerous to the teeth. By consuming sugary flavor drinks your teeth get damaged because these drinks leave bacteria which leads to tooth decay and gum diseases. So avoid drinking these sugary drinks instead of that start consuming water which is a good and better and healthy option for your oral health.

4. It cleans the teeth:

As we all are hearing from our childhood that brushing & flossing your teeth twice a day helps to clean your teeth. In the same way drinking more water helps to clean your teeth. Water is not the substitute for the brush. You need to do both options daily. Whatever you eat or drink contains sugar which has an adverse effect on your teeth. Sometimes whatever you eat food sticks to you eat, so drinking water after your every meal help to reduce the bacteria and remove all the food particles which are stuck in your teeth.

Apart from drinking water, there is some dental routine which you need to follow to keep your teeth and smile healthy.

  • On a regular basis brush your teeth twice a day. 
  •  Also Flossing your teeth is a good habit. Flossing is used to clean the food stuck in your teeth.
  • Use Fluoride so that it will help the Risk of Tooth Decay.
  • Every six months have a habit of visiting your dentists for routine dental checkups. 
  • Last but not least consume more and more water so that your oral health and whole-body system be healthy.

If you are suffering from any dental issues or any oral health concerns, then feel free to call your Potomac Dentist - Dr. Arta Moaddab calls us at (301)299-1505. our emergency service is also open you can contact 24/7 or can leave a message on our website.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Five ways to stop bleeding gums

What is Gum Disease?

Gum Disease is caused due to poor brushing or flossing habits which allow the bacteria to build upon the teeth and harden. It is an infection of tissues that holds your teeth.

Bleeding gums are the most common thing. A person may notice some blood after brushing their teeth or flossing, which can irritate sensitive gums. Most of us have the experience once in a lifetime. Bleeding of gums happens while brushing or flossing your teeth. The bleeding is due to inflammation in the gums caused by build-up plaque or overly vigorous brushing. If you notice some blood when you brush or floss, it is essential that you see a dentist. Good oral hygiene can prevent sensitivity and bleeding.

Causes of Bleeding Gums:

* Using the toothbrush with a hard bristle.
* Taking the Medicines such as aspirin.
* Not brushing the teeth often enough, or at least twice a day.  
* Having gingivitis or early-stage gum disease.

There are some things you can do on your own to stop bleeding gums.

5 ways to stop bleeding gums (Treat your Gum Disease):

1. Use a fluoride mouthwash

Fluoride mouthwash is beneficial for oral health as it helps to clear our mouth of debris. It helps to prevent plaque build-up on our gums. On top of that, it can also help to freshen our breath by killing the bacteria associated with bad breath. It’s important that when considering a mouthwash we choose one containing fluoride to help give our teeth that extra protection throughout the day.

2. Eat a Healthier food 

Improving your diet can go a long way toward improving your oral health and stopping bleeding gums. A diet full of whole foods, such as vegetables and fruits, gives your gums the nutrients they need. If your diet is packed with nutritionally deficient, sugary foods, such as candy, soda, and refined bread, your gums aren't getting the nutrition they need to stay healthy and intact. An article on The Dr. Oz Show blog recommends boosting the amount of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium in your diet to improve the state of your gums.

3. Using ice

Hold a cool compress, a small ice pack, or an ice cube against swollen, bleeding gums to help soothe them. Ice packs are especially helpful to soothe minor mouth injuries that cause swelling, such as cuts and scrapes. They can also help reduce pain and swelling caused by gingivitis.

4. Avoid Smoking

Smoking is terrible for your health. Along with increasing your risk for certain cancers and heart disease, it plays a big role in the development of gum disease. The toxins in tobacco smoke keep your gums from getting the nutrition that they need and can lead to inflammation. Quitting can be tough, but it's one of the most important things to do if you want to protect your oral and overall health.

5. Using the right toothbrush

If a person has sensitive gums, they can opt for a toothbrush labeled as extra soft or sensitive. Firm or medium toothbrushes are too rough on the gums. People should prefer to use toothbrushes with soft bristles for 2 minutes twice a day. Replace toothbrushes every 3 to 4 months, or sooner if the bristles look frayed.

Healthy gums are needed to support healthy teeth. Please don’t ignore bleeding when brushing. Follow the steps and treat your gum disease at home. If the bleed is not stopping then you should concern your Potomac Dentists (Standard Dental LLC). Book your appointment today. Call us at (301)299-1505 and Feel free to ask your question.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

11 Facts To Know About Invisalign treatments

Are you suffering from misaligned teeth? Do your teeth need straightening? Are you searching for any kind of braces or other product or treatment to improve your teeth shape and bring your teeth in line? You may be having so many questions about all this stuff. But Don't worry Go for Potomac Dentists - Standard Dental LLC Invisalign Procedure. Firstly You must go to your Potomac dentists and confirm whether you need Invisalign or not.

Invisalign aligners are designed especially to move your teeth in small steps to the desired final position prescribed by your Potomac MD Dentist. Each aligner is precisely calibrated and manufactured to fit your mouth at each stage of the dental treatment plan. 

 11 Facts about Invisalign Treatments

Lets's Discuss the 11 facts about the Invisalign Treatment at - Standard Dental LLC

1. Quality Materials are Essential:

Invisalign aligner trays are made from a thermoplastic material that is soft and comfortable. They look similar to the trays used in teeth whitening. Your final set of aligners can often be used for whitening treatments in the future. Each Invisalign tray is correctly shaped individually to move your teeth in the sequence that has been determined by your treatment specialist.

2. Invisalign Usually Costs More Than Traditional Braces:

The higher cost is because of the lab fees charged for Invisalign are typically more than those charged for regular braces. The fees are paid directly to the manufacturer of Invisalign.

3. Flexibility & Comfort:

You can remove your Invisalign trays, which allows you to have flexibility and freedom in terms of what you eat and drink. This also allows you to brush and floss just as you usually would without the Invisalign trays.

4. Millions of Happy Invisalign Clients:

Each day, more people choose Invisalign treatment, and the number continues to rise. Advancements in digital technology have made the process very effective and very convenient.

5. Fewer Appointments and No Hardware:

With Invisalign, no metal brackets or wires are used. This reduces the need for frequent visits to your dental office for adjustments or repairs. With Invisalign, you are not required to go in for as many dental appointments as with traditional braces. With checkups scheduled every six weeks, you can apply three different sets of trays yourself without going in to see the dentist. This has a significant convenience advantage. 

6. No Specialist Needed:

Invisalign is a streamlined process that can be done by a general dentist or an orthodontist. The popularity of the treatment encourages more oral health professionals to offer the service as one of their cosmetic dental procedures. If a dentist is experienced in the use of Invisalign, they are very likely to be successful in helping you treat your misaligned teeth.

7. Do Your Homework:

It is a good idea to research several Invisalign treatment providers and to select the best one. Check their reviews online, as well as their credentials, experience level, and reputation.

8. Same Process, Same Results:

Invisalign trays are about the same as traditional braces because both are specifically designed to provide consistent pressure to specific teeth to create the most effective realignment of teeth that have grown out of place. For mild to moderate alignment problems, Invisalign can be just as effective as traditional braces. For severe malocclusion, traditional braces will be the more appropriate treatment and provide more comprehensive treatment.

9. Diligence is Important:

You will be required to wear the Invisalign aligners for between 20 and 22 hours every day. If you do not wear the aligner trays for the specified amount of time, you may not achieve the results you desire with this treatment. You will need to change your Invisalign aligner trays every two weeks. Each set of Invisalign aligner trays is shaped slightly differently, with the teeth moving each time slightly, getting a little bit closer to your desired alignment goal.

10. There is a Time Commitment:

Invisalign trays control both the timing and the force of the application. During each 10-day to 3-week treatment cycle, only individual specified teeth are adjusted. Over time, all of the desired teeth are gradually moved into position by the sequential application of trays, each of which is a slightly different shape.

11. Follow Up is Necessary:

After having such treatment you should go for routine checkups to your dentists. You will likely require a retainer after Invisalign treatments to prevent your teeth from shifting back into the position they were In before the treatment procedure. Wearing your retainer every night will ensure that your teeth stay in an optimal position.

Call Your Dentists in Potomac MD - Standard Dental LLC to See if Invisalign is Right for You. Overall, Invisalign can be an effective treatment option and can help improve your smile! At the end of the dental treatment, you'll be smiling like you never have before! Book your appointment to Standard Dental LLC - Call us at 301-299-1505. Feel Free to ask your question.